My buddy sideproject has guest blogged with me here a few times. Usually we get on MSN Messenger to write about our topic together and then I copy/paste the entire conversation into a WORD document before posting it here. Well today, she opened up a Google Document online that we could both view/write on simultaneously. AND (get this) see eachother’s keystrokes live! Too freaky! The conversation that ensued is not thick with plot, but a live experiment with the many wonders of technology (and Google in particular). **Please keep in mind (to better follow the conversation) that as sideproject is typing I am line editing, formatting, and fixing grammar.*** Discussion: Google Searches sideproject : Did you just erase everything we wrote before this? That was the warm up. 365Attempts : Yes. Yes I did. sideproject : Anyway. I want to post about how when you Google ‘ac’ the first options that pop up are ‘acropolis’ and ‘acrylic nails’. This op...
A Writing Experiment